domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Key words

-Welfarestate- when a person it is ok. (estado de beniestar)

-Trade-relation that it produce between many countries to export or import many pructs.(comercio)

-Insurance- When you contrate a company that you give it money when occour a thing.(seguro)

-Health services-the services that they help with your health.(servicios sanitarios)

-Household-it is a site where the people live.(hogar)

-Consumption-it is when the people spend a lot of momeny.(consumo)

-Tertiarisation- it is when the sectors transforms in ther third sector.(terciarizacion).

-Motorway- it is a road by pass a lot of cars.(autopista)

-Pipeline- it is a tube by where pass oil and other products.(caño)

-Freight-it is the products carried from one place to another.(carga(


-Leisure-it is the free time that have a person.(tiempo de ocio)

-SPA-it is a site when you can relax.(spa)

-Resort- it is a centre where there are touriste. (centro turístico)

-Environment- it is a natural site where live animals and plants.(hábitat natural)

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