domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

Find out what are:

-CAP-The Common Agricultural Policy is a system of European Union agricultural subsidies and programmes

-BSE-Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as mad-cow disease (MCD), is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease in cattle, that causes a spongy degeneration in the brain and spinal cord.

-GM FOODS- Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms.

-GREEN REVOLUTION-Green Revolution refers to the transformation of agriculture that began in 1945, largely due to the life work of Norman Borlaug.

Farming words

1-Shifting cultivation.

2-Wet rice farming.

3-Market gardening

4-Extensive commercial

5-Plantation agriculture

6-Dry and extensive agriculture

7-Modern mediterranean agriculture

Clasification of the agriculture

1-Arable-the cultivation of crops.

2-Commercial-products are sold to make a profit.

3-Intensive-high imputs and yields per unit area.

4-Nomadie-farmers moved seasonally with their herds.

5-Extensive-low imputs and yields per unit area.

6-Pastoral-rearing animals.

7-Sedentary-farmers remain in the same place throughout the year.

8-Subsistence-products are consumed by the cultivators.

Do a framework

The agriculture

-Agriculture cover much of the population in underdeveloped countries.

-It is occupies most of the land surface.

-It is the basis of some big industries.

-Thanks to new technology, production of food has raised but less people work as farmers.

Key words

-crops-Crops are plants grown for human or animal consumption and use. Crops used directly for human consumption are those eaten by humans with only superficial washing in water.
-cattle-Cattle, colloquially referred to as cows, are domesticated ungulates, a member of the subfamily Bovinae of the family Bovidae. They are raised as livestock for meat (called beef and veal), dairy products (milk), leather and as draft animals (pulling carts, plows and the like).
-relief-the shape of the earth.
-soil-where de crops are cultivated
-labour-when a person work in a farm...
-farmer-when a person cultivated crops.
-yield-the picked that a farmer recollect in a season
-herd-one animal conjunctival
-seeds-are what grows into a plant.
-input/output-are the improvements to produce more than cultivated.