domingo, 10 de abril de 2011


4- Listen this song, what are they talking about?

This video talk about when Linvgstone went to Africa and he discovered things.


3- Visit the page of British Lybrary that permit you to read old newspapers, select one, for example, The News of the world, and look for news about colonialism, for example in 1886. Choose one and write a brief comment (summarysing and explaining it).

This article of the News of the world say that in may of 1886, there was a market of Indian products in Hyde Park in London.


2- Look for information about (a few words and lot of images please):

-Bismarck- He was a very important German-Prussian general in 19th century. Bismarck was the first chancellor of Germany.

-Suez Canal-it is an artificial canal that it was built in Egypt in the end of 19th century and it separates Asia and Africa.

-Livingstone-stanley-he was a Scottish missionary and explorer in the end of 19th century. He discovered Victoria´s waterfall in Africa.