domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


Imaxina que non hai paraíso

É fácil se o intentas

Sin inferno por debaixo de nos

Só un ceo sobre nós.

Imaxina a toda a xente,

vivindo polo presente.

Imaxina que non hai países

Non é dificil de facer

Nada porque matar ou morrer

E tampouco relixións

Imaxina que toda a xente,

vivindo en paz.

Podrás dicir que son un soñador

pero non son o único

Espero que algún día te unas a nós

e o mundo sexa un só.

Imaxina que non hai posesións

Eu fagóo si ti podes,

sin necesidade de fames

Unha irmandade de homes,

Imaxina a todo o mundo

Compartindoo tod.

Poderás dicir que son un soñador

pero non son o único.

Espero que algún día te unas a nós

e o mundo vvia como un só.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Charles Chaplin

Even the times changed the work remains the same.

Children´s life in Victorian´ times

In the industrail revoliution the children work in factories and coal mines.

Children in mines:
Some children pushed trucks of coal along mine tunnels. They were called 'putters'.

'Trappers' opened and shut wooden doors to let air through the tunnels. A trapper boy sat in the dark, with just a small candle, and no-one to talk to.

Some children started work at 2 in the morning and stayed below ground for 18 hours. Children working on the surface, sorting coal, at least saw daylight and breathed fresh air.

Children in factories:

Factories were noisy. People had to shout above the rattle and hiss of machinery. They breathed air full of dust, oil and soot. Iron and steel works got so hot that workers dripped with sweat. Flames and sparks lit up the sky darkened by smoke from factory chimneys. They do the same work than the adults

Complete this table

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born in Ohio on the 1847.
Just he went to the school three months and when he has twelve years he selled newspapers.When he was major he found a work in Boston and in his free time he investigated about the things.
His nickname was "The Wizard of Menlo Park" because he invented a lot of inventions in a week.
He invented things of telecomunications and his first invention it was a tape recorder.
Edison create too the first laboraty of industrial investigations.
He was an enormous boy.