domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Framework and similiraties

The similarities between the two crisis are.

-Growth the unempolyment
-The two crisis star in the United States
-Downs in the share prices
-The two crisis affected all the world

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


Imaxina que non hai paraíso

É fácil se o intentas

Sin inferno por debaixo de nos

Só un ceo sobre nós.

Imaxina a toda a xente,

vivindo polo presente.

Imaxina que non hai países

Non é dificil de facer

Nada porque matar ou morrer

E tampouco relixións

Imaxina que toda a xente,

vivindo en paz.

Podrás dicir que son un soñador

pero non son o único

Espero que algún día te unas a nós

e o mundo sexa un só.

Imaxina que non hai posesións

Eu fagóo si ti podes,

sin necesidade de fames

Unha irmandade de homes,

Imaxina a todo o mundo

Compartindoo tod.

Poderás dicir que son un soñador

pero non son o único.

Espero que algún día te unas a nós

e o mundo vvia como un só.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Charles Chaplin

Even the times changed the work remains the same.

Children´s life in Victorian´ times

In the industrail revoliution the children work in factories and coal mines.

Children in mines:
Some children pushed trucks of coal along mine tunnels. They were called 'putters'.

'Trappers' opened and shut wooden doors to let air through the tunnels. A trapper boy sat in the dark, with just a small candle, and no-one to talk to.

Some children started work at 2 in the morning and stayed below ground for 18 hours. Children working on the surface, sorting coal, at least saw daylight and breathed fresh air.

Children in factories:

Factories were noisy. People had to shout above the rattle and hiss of machinery. They breathed air full of dust, oil and soot. Iron and steel works got so hot that workers dripped with sweat. Flames and sparks lit up the sky darkened by smoke from factory chimneys. They do the same work than the adults

Complete this table

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born in Ohio on the 1847.
Just he went to the school three months and when he has twelve years he selled newspapers.When he was major he found a work in Boston and in his free time he investigated about the things.
His nickname was "The Wizard of Menlo Park" because he invented a lot of inventions in a week.
He invented things of telecomunications and his first invention it was a tape recorder.
Edison create too the first laboraty of industrial investigations.
He was an enormous boy.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010



- Estrada- é rapida por autopista para pequenos desprazamentos./ é independente e privado.

- Vía do tren- é seguro e confortable./ pódense levar moitos pasaxeiros e mercadorías pesadas.

- Mar- barato se fas longas distancias./ non se gastan cartos na producción dunha ruta.

- Pontes- barato por longas distancias./ adecuado para a recreación.

- Aire- rápido para longas distancias./ é bo para as urxencias, para as persoas e para a industria de alta tecnoloxía.

- Tuberías- mantemento barato./ é bo para substancias como o petróleo e o gas.


- Estrada- é moi cara para longas distancias./ produce moitos gases contaminantes.

- Vía do tren- caro para distancias cortas e longas./ cara no mantemento e na súa construcción.

- Mar- é lento./ os barcos son caros no seu mantemento e na súa construcción.

- Pontes- mantemento e construcción caros./ poucas rutas e estreitas.

- Aire-ruído e contaminación visual./ mantemento e construcción caros.

- Tuberías- construcción cara./ problemas medio ambientais.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Explain the relationship between transport, distance and costs

The transports of road are more expensive to long distances and more cheap to short distances therefore are more used over short distances.

The transports of rail have the same characteristics that the transports of road but are used in average distances.

The transports of water are more cheap in long distances and more expensive in short distances, therefore are used in long distances.

The pipeline transports are more cheap in very long distances and more expensive in short distances, therefore are always used in long distances.

Reading a graph, the pie-chart.

- What changes are shown in the pie-charts?
-The people worked in the primary sector and now the people work in the third sector.

-Give reasons for the changes shown in the two pie charts.
-The tourism incremt and do works.
-The standar of life is better.

Key words

-Welfarestate- when a person it is ok. (estado de beniestar)

-Trade-relation that it produce between many countries to export or import many pructs.(comercio)

-Insurance- When you contrate a company that you give it money when occour a thing.(seguro)

-Health services-the services that they help with your health.(servicios sanitarios)

-Household-it is a site where the people live.(hogar)

-Consumption-it is when the people spend a lot of momeny.(consumo)

-Tertiarisation- it is when the sectors transforms in ther third sector.(terciarizacion).

-Motorway- it is a road by pass a lot of cars.(autopista)

-Pipeline- it is a tube by where pass oil and other products.(caño)

-Freight-it is the products carried from one place to another.(carga(


-Leisure-it is the free time that have a person.(tiempo de ocio)

-SPA-it is a site when you can relax.(spa)

-Resort- it is a centre where there are touriste. (centro turístico)

-Environment- it is a natural site where live animals and plants.(hábitat natural)

Describe the nature of the UK’s trade pattern with its main trading partners.

The UK exports less money that matters, but lost very little money.
The main exporters are Germany, France, the United States, Holland, Belgium, Italy and Ireland.
Its main importers are Germany, Holland, France, Italy, Japan, the United States and other European countries.

Make two graphs (pie-chart with excel) with this data

Match these means of transport with their advantages and disadvantages

Island canals-The fourth paragraph.

Water-The third paragraph.

Road-The first paragraph.

Rail-The second paragraph

Pipeline-The last paragraph

Air-The fifth paragraph

B- Mark which ideas you think contribute to sustainable tourism:

-Promote equity in the distribution of the cost and benefits of tourism
-Involve local people in development processes.

A-Read the text and answer the questions

A-Which factors influence Spain’s tourism growth?
-Some factors are the atractive climate, the long costline, the accesibility of Spain to countries in north west Europe, the competitive price of spanish tourism, especially accomodation and dining.

B-Which places include the ‘Costa del sol’?
-Manilva, Estepona, San Pedro de Alcantara, Marbella, Fuengirola, Benalmadena, Torremolinos, Málaga, Rincón de la Victoria, Torre del Mar and Nerja

C-Mention some negative consequences of touristic growth.
-More contamination and destruction of forests and beaches.

D-Where do tourists come from in Spain?
-The tourist come from Portugal, Germany, Italy, UK, Netherlands and France and other countries.

These are some sites of Costa del Sol.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

The song

The song is that the world is being destroyed by cutting trees and polluting the air. And do not value what we have and what we neglect everything.
1- What is a multinational corporation (MNCs)? Is a corporation or an enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country.

2- Write a few lines about its characteristics? The biggest feature is that they are active in different countries,not only in their country of origin. So do its business activities, both sale and purchase and production in countries that have been established. Are able to expand production around the world. Since merging between them may have great power.

3- State the main 5 industrial MNCs and the country they are from.

Citigroup- is the largest financial services company in the world with headquarters in New York.
Bank of America- is the largest commercial bank in the United States of America in terms of deposits, and the world's largest company in its category.
HSBC- HSBC Holdings plc, for its acronym in English (The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) is one of the largest organizations in banking and financial services worldwide.
General Electric- Headquartered in Fairfield, USA, is a multinational infrastructure, financial services and highly diversified media.
JP Morgan Chase- is a financial company created in 2000 from the merger of Chase Manhattan Corporation. Is one of the financial services companies in the world's oldest. Also active in the fruit and vegetable market in London. The company, headquartered in New York.
(feedback from

4- Could ZARA be a multinational? And Citroën?. Write a brief report about them.

ZARA- Zara is a chain of stores belonging to the Spanish fashion INDITEX group founded by Amancio Ortega Gaona. It is the company’s flagship chain and is represented in Europe, America, Africa and Asia with 1412 stores in 69 caountries, 500 of them in Spain. Yes, is a multinational.

CITROËN- Citroën is a French brand auto manufacturer founded in 1919 by André Citroën. Citroën has always been famous for its cutting edge technology repeatedly revolutionized the automotive world. Yes, is a multinational

5- Try to explain these cartoons:

*. Están exprimiendo (explotando) a los trabajadores.

*. It is a product of globalization multinational that sells products, forgive the repetition, against globalization.

*. Large enterprises are as a country, governed a king or a great leader.

The Three Gorges Dam

Renewable energy resources

Join colums





5-Hydro-electric Power:C



Raw materials

Animal raw materials: silk,milk,tuna...

Vegetal raw materials: tomatoes,wool,cotton,linen,resin,rubber,cork...

Mineral: oil power,iron metallic, sulphur non metallic, bauxite metallic, mercury metallic,gold metallic,coal power...


-Shoes: skin
-Chairs: wood
-Juice: fruit
-Jewels: diamonds
-Keys: iron
-Thermometers: mercury
-Windows: glass
-Doors: wood
-Notebooks: wood
-Oil: olives

domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

Find out what are:

-CAP-The Common Agricultural Policy is a system of European Union agricultural subsidies and programmes

-BSE-Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as mad-cow disease (MCD), is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease in cattle, that causes a spongy degeneration in the brain and spinal cord.

-GM FOODS- Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms.

-GREEN REVOLUTION-Green Revolution refers to the transformation of agriculture that began in 1945, largely due to the life work of Norman Borlaug.

Farming words

1-Shifting cultivation.

2-Wet rice farming.

3-Market gardening

4-Extensive commercial

5-Plantation agriculture

6-Dry and extensive agriculture

7-Modern mediterranean agriculture

Clasification of the agriculture

1-Arable-the cultivation of crops.

2-Commercial-products are sold to make a profit.

3-Intensive-high imputs and yields per unit area.

4-Nomadie-farmers moved seasonally with their herds.

5-Extensive-low imputs and yields per unit area.

6-Pastoral-rearing animals.

7-Sedentary-farmers remain in the same place throughout the year.

8-Subsistence-products are consumed by the cultivators.

Do a framework

The agriculture

-Agriculture cover much of the population in underdeveloped countries.

-It is occupies most of the land surface.

-It is the basis of some big industries.

-Thanks to new technology, production of food has raised but less people work as farmers.

Key words

-crops-Crops are plants grown for human or animal consumption and use. Crops used directly for human consumption are those eaten by humans with only superficial washing in water.
-cattle-Cattle, colloquially referred to as cows, are domesticated ungulates, a member of the subfamily Bovinae of the family Bovidae. They are raised as livestock for meat (called beef and veal), dairy products (milk), leather and as draft animals (pulling carts, plows and the like).
-relief-the shape of the earth.
-soil-where de crops are cultivated
-labour-when a person work in a farm...
-farmer-when a person cultivated crops.
-yield-the picked that a farmer recollect in a season
-herd-one animal conjunctival
-seeds-are what grows into a plant.
-input/output-are the improvements to produce more than cultivated.